Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Well, after initially denying my interferon, my insurance company has agreed to pay for both medications. This is quite exciting as without my insurance, my interferon alone would be about $2400 per month plus the cost of my ribavirin. So, the 4 syringes are sitting in my refrigerator and on Friday AM, I meet with someone to show me how to self-administer.

Side effects typically take a day or so to appear and hopefully I'm in the lucky 12% to not experience sides because they're hellishly nasty. I've got a bunch of vacation days through my company that I need to take (before losing them in 2010) and so I'll take a couple days off while I see how my body reacts. It will be a good time for reading and to get that ever-growing Netflix queue down.

Come Friday I'll post a blog to say how the shot went and I'm sure I'll have some emotions running through me. Stay tuned!



  1. Good luck Adam. You'll know me as David McHep C. I had to check out your blog. I'll add you as a link to mine to make it easier to follow. All the best on Friday. David

  2. ooh, good luck! consider this self-administration a practice for nursing school :-D let me know how it goes!
